‘Twas the day after Christmas, and all through the house,

There’s no long-term care plan, not even for my spouse.

The 401K funded, the savings were fair,

In hopes that our retirement soon would be there.

Nothing is sweeter than a worry free retirement.
Nothing is sweeter than a worry free retirement.

The children had all moved out all snug in their beds,

While visions of inheritance danced in their heads.

My wife wanted to talk finance, seemed like a trap,

So I simply decided to just cut the crap.


We’d both witnessed her mothers’ money goals scatter,

She’d slipped in the shower, her hip it did shatter.

I wanted to protect us, make sure we had cash,

To LTC Consumer I went in a dash.

Keep your retirement savings safe by purchasing LTC Insurance.
Keep your retirement savings safe by purchasing LTC Insurance.

How to qualify, choose a plan, get quotes mixin’,

Free guides, cost of care, until policy kicks in.

Short Term Care, Long Term Care, A Hybrid Insurance,

Our specialist provided needed assurance.


Medicare and Medicaid are not guaranteed,

A solid long-term care plan is just what you need.

Do not wait any longer, please do not delay,

Get a free LTC quote from our team today!
