Many people are not aware that you must health qualify to obtain a long term...
What is the best long term care insurance plan for my needs? Short answer: It...
You do a lot to plan for the future, including buying health insurance for when...
No one likes paying more for something than they have to and that is especially...
Long Term Care: it’s a term that sounds simple and specific, but in fact is...
We tell consumers that while they pay for long term care insurance (LTCI) with their...
Genes matter. They make your eyes blue, your skin brown, or your heart strong. They...
The population of people needing long term health care services in the US – both...
Human beings are very, very good at rationalizing their behavior, both before and after it...
Many people believe that there are government programs that pay for long term care (LTC)...
How long is long term? Many consumers wonder how long is the appropriate length long...
Getting old is inevitable and if your parents are like most, they have at least...
Planning for the golden years means not just planning for what income is needed to...
Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter....
No, and Yes. Many Americans are surprised when they learn that Medicare generally does not...
One size does not fit all Like all health insurance, many factors influence the price...
Many people believe that the new healthcare law should allow them to buy long term...
Covered couples can combine their benefits to use by either partner [NOTE: This article assumes...
Everyone likes the peace of mind they get from knowing they are protected by insurance...
Purchasing long term care insurance (LTCI) is an important decision but the policies can be...