Are you ready to have “the talk” this Thanksgiving?
No, we’re not referring to the “birds and the bees talk”, though you’re welcome to go there. We’re referring to the “long-term care talk.”
As families come together to celebrate, it’s common for those who may not see each other often to notice a decline in aging parents. While many families may wish to avoid the long-term care conversation, we recommend bringing the topic up in casual conversation this holiday season.
Long-term care is an important topic that every family should discuss. So, why not take a moment to chat about it during the holidays when you’re all together?
Keep in mind, the long-term care discussion doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom. In fact, we recommend taking a light approach to the topic, and even inserting a little humor, as appropriate.
While the topic may feel heavy for the dinner table or when lounging in the living room post-meal, it doesn’t have to be when you take a light approach and listen to responses. You may be surprised at what you discover, and it may spur on more conversations about certain individual’s wishes, wants, or needs in the future.
To get you started, here are tips for bringing up the long-term care topic in a fun and light way this holiday season.

Ask Permission to Have the Discussion
Before you launch into the discussion, simply ask if the family is open to the conversation first. It could be something like, “I’ve noticed Mom/Grandma has seemed more forgetful lately and I’m concerned about her. Have you guys noticed the same? Do you mind if we discuss her care needs for a moment?”
Timing Is Everything
When Grandma is pulling a steaming pumpkin pie out of the oven may not be the best time to bring up concerns about long-term care. Find a good moment where people are relaxed and there’s even a brief lull in the conversation. Bring it up casually by starting with an open-ended question and see where the conversation goes.
“Long-term care is an important topic that every family should discuss.”
Be a Good Listener
While you may have lots to say after thinking about it for a while, start the conversation and then pause to listen to other family member opinions. The topic could stir up anxiety or fears in certain members. Listen to their needs, be respectful, and acknowledge a loved one’s right to make choices.
Stay Positive
It’s normal to experience resistance when first bringing up the topic of long-term care. If the timing is never right or people aren’t open to the idea, don’t be discouraged. You can always try again another time.
At LTC Consumer, we believe it’s important to plan ahead for long-term care before it becomes a crisis. If you’re interested in learning more about long-term care insurance, request a free quote today. From all of us at LTC Consumer, we hope you enjoy a wonderful holiday season.
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