When your application is complete, the insurance company will collect information to determine if your policy can be approved.

Here is what you can expect with Full Underwriting.

  • You must complete a phone interview.  A vendor from
    will call and review your application and ask additional questions.
  • If you are over age 60, the insurance company will conduct a memory test.  The call can last up to 30 minutes.
  • A report will be requested of your driving and medical records from your doctors, including current and past prescriptions.
  • Occasionally, due to a health condition or age, a face to face interview with a nurse is required.

The approval process is normally four-five weeks if your doctors are responsive and you don’t need an interview.

Once your application is approved, you will receive the policy and a letter in the mail.

Otherwise, you will receive a decline letter with the reason and information for the decision.
