2020: New Year, New Retirement Plan

It is exactly two weeks until New Years Day, a new year, and a fresh start. This year could be the year that your retirement plan gets put into place. Don’t delay, protect your assets and your family in 2020. As part of your post working years package, consider purchasing long-term care insurance (LTCI). After meeting requirements, LTCI covers things such as home health care, homemaker services, assisted living, nursing home care, and other similar things. These care requirements can eat up retirement savings and alter relationships with family and friends.

Is LTCI for everyone? Not necessarily. But should everyone have a long-term care (LTC) plan in place? Absolutely. Whether you’re wealthy, middle class, or struggling, there are different ways to protect what your vision of retirement looks like. Our specialists have decades of experience, have worked with every income level, and have a multitude of insurance carriers and products to choose from.

Make 2020 the year you include LTC Insurance in your Retirement Plans.
Make 2020 the year you include LTC Insurance in your Retirement Plans.

If LTCI doesn’t fit your need, perhaps your specialist will explore short term care insurance. If you are more interested in still having access to your money or leaving an inheritance to your children, your specialist could look at a hybrid product such as a life insurance policy with an LTC rider. LTC Consumer is constantly exploring new products and answers to one of retirement’s biggest dilemmas.

At LTC Consumer we recommend purchasing LTCI between the ages of 55 and 64. Premiums are based on your health, gender, and age, so the longer you wait, the higher your premiums could be. If you’re younger but concerned about family history, or older but fairly healthy, speak to one of our specialists and they’ll help you find the best product for your particular situation.

"Don’t delay, protect your assets and your family in 2020."

Our specialists are located all over the US and licensed in all 50 states. They utilize screensharing technology and offer their services to you in the convenience of your own home at your own computer. You will have one person, one phone number, one email, and not have to re-explain your situation to multiple people, multiple times. We have streamlined LTC planning for your ease.

LTCI protects families by affording them care so that they can maintain as normal of a relationship as possible in a time of need. It protects retirements by paying for services as opposed to dipping into assets. It provides peace of mind, and that is priceless. Find out if LTCI is a good fit for your plans today.

Recommended Reading

Learn how to qualify for LTC insurance and other factors that go in to the process of obtaining coverage.

You may be wondering, “What is long term care insurance and why might I need it?”

Find answers to popular questions in LTC.