Welcome to LTC Consumer! Your long term care resource.

You do a lot to plan for the future. You purchase health insurance in case you get sick, life insurance to help protect your family after you’re gone, and you may open an IRA and/or 401(k) account to prepare for retirement. But what would you do in the face of a long term care event?
LTCconsumer.com is your “go to” long term care insurance resource for information on what some of your options are. We’ll help you by deconstructing the issues surrounding long term care insurance and educate you on your options.

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Have you considered making a strategy to prepare for an unexpected long term care event?

Let us help you understand your options. We provide all of your long term insurance quotes from one single source, making it easier for you to review and compare.

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Want to learn more?


The potential for someone needing long term care in their lifetime is real

As life expectancy continues to increase, so does the potential for needing long term care in the event of an extended illness or accident.


A healthy 65-year-old couple has a 75% chance that one partner will require a significant level of long term care (LTC) if they each live to their projected actuarial life expectancies, according to a new HealthView Services report.


Traditional health insurance may not help pay

Unfortunately, traditional health insurance might not necessarily help pay for long term care. Health insurance pays for medical expenses, doctors’ services and hospital stays. In most cases, it won’t cover the costs of a home health aide or assisted therapy.


What about Medicare or Medicaid?

Although Medicare and Medicaid might cover some costs, these programs are not without restrictions and limitations.

Based on your personal experiences and family history forming a long term care plan — whether it be through private long term care insurance (LTCI), LTCI provided by an employer, or by setting aside assets to pay for future events — is something that could be a wise addition to your financial strategy. Consider making it a priority to get educated and to explore your options.

By making a plan to prepare for the unexpected need for care, you can remain more independent. You choose where you receive treatment and have confidence that your family’s financial well being is being protected* against the high cost of a potential long term care event.

*Product guarantees are backed by the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the issuing insurer.


Everyone should consider a long term care strategy

Not everyone will need long term care insurance, but everyone should understand the effect long term care could have on their family and their retirement strategy.

Most families find a way to provide care for their loved ones. However, unless you’ve gone through it, you may not understand the physical, emotional, and financial tolls providing care can take.

By making a plan to prepare for the unexpected need for care, you can remain more independent.

Need Help?

We’re here to help you understand your options and create a strategy for your future.

People Are Talking

Long Term Care Insurance
Kathryn was very helpful in every possible way. We felt that she was very fair toward all of the companies we asked about including some she did not represent. We believe that she was looking out for our best interest. We are very happy with the overall experience and hope the numbers work out so we can purchase a policy thru You/Kathryn.

See what others have to say about working with our LTCI experts.